Two employees viewing documentation, Health and Safety Management Software | Be-Safe

Health and Safety Management Software

Health and Safety Management Software

Software designed to assist companies in managing their compliance with environmental, health, and safety laws is referred to as health and safety management software. It is frequently used in industries where safety and compliance are of utmost significance, including manufacturing, construction, and healthcare. 
Two construction workers viewing a project, Health and Safety Management Software | Be-Safe

The main objective of any health and safety management software is to help companies keep their employees safe and healthy at work. Providing instruments for managing safety incidents, monitoring safety training and certifications, and carrying out safety audits and inspections all help to accomplish this. By offering a centralised method of monitoring and reporting on things like air emissions, the disposal of hazardous waste, and water quality, health and safety management software can also assist businesses to remain in compliance with environmental laws. 

A team meeting discussion, Health and Safety Management Software | Be-Safe

Health and safety management software can provide a number of other advantages.  For instance, it might make it easier to distribute risk assessments, which would reduce the likelihood of mishaps and injuries at work. Lower insurance costs and workers' compensation claims may follow from this. Businesses can also benefit from using health and safety management software to improve departmental communication and collaboration while streamlining their safety processes. 

Two workers in a stockroom, Health and Safety Management Software | Be-Safe

At Be-Safe, we are proud to offer The Compliance Genie, a health and safety management software solution that can assist your business in achieving its compliance and safety objectives. Be-Safe’s Compliance Genie can be tailored to suit the particular needs of your company because it is user-friendly and flexible by design.

A warehouse employee reversing a forklift truck, Health and Safety Management Software | Be-Safe

Monitoring environmental compliance, safety checks and inspections, keeping track of safety training and certifications, and incident management are just a few of the features available. 

With Be-Safe's Compliance Genie, you can take the first step towards achieving your safety and compliance goals. Contact us today to learn more about how our software can benefit your business.


Which version of the Compliance Genie will suit you?

If you are an SME then perhaps our self-serve option will be best?
OR if you are a larger company then click on the Enterprise version to find out more.

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